won't be able to learn html soon, since school is about to start:(, I'll try my best to find some spare time to practice!!



my favourite bands/artists

my favourite fims/series

adam=un frocione

I can't code yet, I'm still learning

About me??

I'm a short Italian dude, still a minor, as you may have noticed I really like music and art in general, because I feel like it's the only thing that completely understands me and it's my only way of sincerely expressing myself. I feel lonely most of the time even tho I have friends, not close ones but still friends, school is a bit though I always get made fun of by random normies that don't even know me and it kinda pisses me off, like why is my name in your fucking mouth I've never seen you before. I sometimes/ most of the time get judged because of my sexuality, not by kids only but by adults too!! Usually my friends' parents, I once even got death treaths from one of them, not a funny experience I don't really like meeting people anymore. Btw I love playing guitar and piano, I don't know if I'm good at them since I mostly play for fun. This is all that comes to my mind for now, bye!!

